Apr 14Liked by Katie Andraski

Thank you so very much for the above writing, so beautifully said. Since coming here about four years ago to live with my son, I experienced God's forgiveness for a particular sin and then "His blood cleansing me from all unrighteousness (or as some would say 'all unreality'). Then His righteousness flooded my heart like a river, His innocence as the Mirror Translation names righteousness in II Cor. 5. I felt the joy of a new born baby; His faith, His peace, His making new. Having been brought up like you, Katie, I have also been through the other kind of living, letting fear be in the driver's seat, not His perfect love.

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Apr 13Liked by Katie Andraski

Katie this piece pierced my soul. You have beautifully described the wrestle so many of us face knowing we were created in the image of God but ultimately being far from fulfilling the measure of our creation without the help of the Savior.

Thank you for your eloquent writing, it has given me so much to ponder and encouraged me along this path of life.

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